60 Following

Look at me and see me.

My name is Geneviève, I am 15 years old girl who obviously loves books a lot, like, a lot a lot. I mostly read young adult and non-fictionbooks (but I also like a bit of historical fiction).I don't how often I'm going to "blog" but, you know, it's nice to have a blog.

Currently reading

The Fever: A Novel
Megan Abbott
Progress: 20/304 pages
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
J.K. Rowling
Progress: 20/222 pages
City of Fallen Angels
Cassandra Clare
Progress: 50/400 pages

How to Write a Review With a Book From Your Bookshelf

Reblogged from BookLikes:

A search from your bookshelf option is back. Now while writing a post you can easily find a book from your shelf and attach it to your review, and any other kind of a post. 


Choose a post template: text, photo, quote, link, url, and go to a writing box. Use a search box, and write a book title or author. If you want to check whether a given title is on your Shelf, press Search o my shelf on the right.


In the search on my shelf option, use a book title OR author's name to find a shelved book. 


If the title is on your shelf, you'll be given a book edition straight from your shelf as a search result. The green marker on the left indicates that this book edition is on your shelf. 



Click the book and start writing :) The book review will be attached to the edition on your shelf, and the link to your review will be added to your shelf table view. You can attach 10 books to a single post.




You can also write a post straight from your Shelf. Hover over the book cover, click +Post and choose a post type. 



oh mah gosh, I'm marathonning the Harry Potter series!! During the day, I reread the book and at 11pm or so I watch the matching film ( as I have nothing else to do with my time). I am absolutely loving it, I'm at the Goblet Of Fire, so far and it's amazing how many things you forget after like 6 months. But, I really really enjoy diving back into the series again, it's like reliving my childhood.

Important: I plan on buying a Harry Potter bookboxset, so I plan on giving away my other copies. Giving away or selling, I'm not quite sure, because they are in really really good condition. Anyway, kind of look out for this potential giveaway!

I want a wooden bookmark!

Reblogged from New Books and More:


Source: http://www.curbly.com/users/chrisjob/posts/3689-how-to-handmade-hardwood-bookmark#!7EWfz

Keep hugging

Reblogged from Kate says:


Good Morning.

It's National Hug Day in Poland today.

Have a hug, even if you're not in Poland. 

Hugs are always great. 


Exams are the worst

I don't have time to read, I don't have time to eat I don't even have fucking time to wash myself every couple of days. Three weeks of exams is just a liiiitle too much for my mental stability.

Reading progress update: I've read 380 out of 498 pages.

City of Glass - Cassandra Clare


Hi there! 

I'm giving away a hardcover edition from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell!!!

I'm shipping worldwide and picking a random person!! So enter and I might pick you!!

See ya soon lovely people!